Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I need to update this more often

Ok, so this past little while we haven't had a chance to really get at this whole blog thing. I guess it's cause I even forgot that we had a blog. Good thing no one reads this. Anyway, here's a little update on what we've been doing the last month and a half or so. Don't really remember the last time that I put something up. Anyhoo, here goes--
So those of you that know me (Craig), know that I like to get out and do some mountain biking. I've really tried to keep it in moderation, don't want Jami getting mad at me for being gone too much riding. Anyway, I got to get out and do some riding lately. The 2nd week of August my cousin Sam and his wife Becki were back up in Oregon from Utah for a wedding, and he brought his bike. So, Sam, myself, Uncle Tom, and my buddies Jamie and Isaac all headed down to the McKenzie River trail, which is about 50 miles east of Eugene. It was an amazing trail, tons of sweet singletrack, and the scenery was awesome! It was pretty hot out that day (although riding down by the river lowered the temp by quite a bit, and no we didn't see Matt Foley and his van down by the river either), and the trail was about 28 miles long (would had been about 1/4 mile shorter if we would had taken the right turn the first time). So, long story short, I ran out of water with about 6 miles to go and was freaking dying. There's a term in mountain biking called "bonking," and it's not for when you puke all over the trail. It's when you physically start to shut down. That hit me due to dehydration (and that I really need to get in better shape), and so it was an interesting ride to the finish. Isaac had to give me some of his water, give me some electrolyte tablets, and I felt like my legs were going to fall off. But I made it. Barely. 2 weeks later I headed back down to the same trail with some other friends (Jamie included) and hit the same trail. I was better prepared this time, and actually was able to enjoy the last half of the ride instead of wanting to die. That's a much better feeling in case anyone was wondering. That's a lot more cross-country riding than I'm used to. Usually I'm more of a shuttle-monkey. Some buddies and I did head up to Ski Bowl one Saturday to do some downhilling, and also we have been headed out to a trail in the Tillamook State forest which is a freaking awesome DH trail. But it's a secret. Lots of roots, tight high-speed turns, gap jumps, drops off of roots, you name it, it's got it. So, that's what I've been doing for a bit.
Jami is another outdoor nut, and loves to hike. She and her friend Rachel were able to get out a bit and do some hiking out in the Mt. Hood National Forest, to a place called Ramona Falls. Ask her about the shoes that she had on sometime. She says that according to the hiking book they were the right shoes to wear. Anyway, I'd recommend checking this hike out, the pics I've seen were pretty awesome. That's it off to the left. Jami keeps really busy with work and on the weekends, even more work it seems sometime. She's an amazing hair-stylist, and has been asked by many people to do hair, just to do hair, and also to do fancy hairdo's for weddings as well. She's pretty talented at what she does. She keeps me well fed as well. You all should be jealous of her amazing cooking skills. Along with her nun-chuck skills, computer hacking skills, stuff like that.
On the 13th of August, Jami turned 29. Since this was her first birthday since we got married, I knew that I had to try to do it up good. You'll have to ask her how I did. Dinner was involved, I remember that.
For those of you that like bees, we had a little bit of an issue with those little jerks last week. We had heard little sounds above our bedroom ceiling that sounded like falling pine needles, so we didn't think anything of it. So, one day last week we came home and noticed there were a few bees in the kitchen and in the bathroom, didn't think anything of it. So, I walked into our bedroom, and saw a ton of bees flying around. I walked over to the wall and looked at the ceiling and saw a hole from which bees were coming out. LAME!!! So I screamed like a little girl and ran out and told Jami what was going on, and she called the apartment manager, who told her to come get some of those bug bombs for the room in the office. In the meantime while she did that, I went back into the room (forgot to put shoes on, whoops, stepped on a bee and got stung) with the vacuum cleaner, took out the hose from the vacuum, and started sucking bees out of mid-air. Never knew I had that skill. Anyway, I got all of the bees out of the air by the time Jami got back, we cleared out our room as best we could, and set off the bomb. Four hours later we headed back in and saw the bee carnage. Jami had gone and gotten an air mattress, so we slept out in the living room for 2 days while we waited for the exterminator to come and take care of business. The manager came and sealed up the hole too (with spackle, apparently they ran out of drywall or something to fix it the right way).
My bro Tom and I did get a chance to start the month of September the right way, we got to partake of some lovely musical performances, I'd recommend it to all. I'm sure everyone would want to go see Megadeth, Slayer, and Testament like we did. It was freaking awesome!! We got there and there was a 45 minute line to get in, which was lame because we missed most of Testament's set, but Megadeth was amazing (not that we expected less). Before you start making fun, I'd like to see you try to play the guitar like those guys.
Here in Oregon our summer has ended, fall has started, and the rain has come. I think the weather is having fun messing with us. Stupid clouds. It's ok though, I know you were all wondering about my bikes that were out on the balcony, we moved them inside before it started raining too hard so they're safe in our living room. Makes for a nice decoration. Believe it or not, it was Jami that said to bring them in. She appreciates their true beauty. On another note, at church Jami and I were called to work with the 7 year olds in the primary. It's My patience is being tested. Jami handles it like a champ though (she was very excited about the calling), but unbelievably, I do some of the teaching too, and they actually listen to me too! I'm as shocked about that as anyone.
College football season has started as well, Oregon is kicking some butt (not that playing a high school team like New Mexico really counts for much) and it looks like Oregon State is going to be pretty good as well, they just happened to play a great team in TCU to open things up.
I've rambled on for long enough. Last weekend on CMT there was a Dukes of Hazzard marathon. I was in heaven. Actually, Jami watched more of it than I did. I'm so proud!